御電館 Odenkan OB-21 Violet 藍紫 OB-22 Purple 紫 OB-23 Purple Red 紫紅 OB-24 Brown 棕

御電館 Odenkan OB



使用指南: 1.漆料應充分搖勻再噴塗,並在通風良好處使用。 2.噴塗氣壓建議使用1.2kg(或以上),噴塗1-2層塗料直到所需的色彩飽和度。 3.本漆料稀釋預設為0.5噴筆;如使用0.3噴筆(或以下),建議酌量添加稀釋劑,可提高噴塗流暢感與漆膜細膩度。 4.本系列基本色漆均可相互混色,若要獲得更好的色相與彩度,建議添加(OP系列)原色漆來調色。 Directions: 1. Shake well and use in a well-ventilated area. 2. Apply 1-2 coats at 18 psi (1.2 bar) until the desired saturation is achieved. 3. Our paint is pre-thinned for 0.5mm airbrushes. For 0.3mm airbrushes, add additional thinner to improve flow and consistency. 4. All colors can be mixed with each other to create custom colors. For accurate and vibrant results, use the Primary Color (OP) Series for tuning.
